3B Vocab class work Assignment- May 5

  • Due May 5, 2023 at 11:59pm
  • Points 44
  • Questions 9
  • Available May 5, 2023 at 9am - May 5, 2023 at 11:59pm 14 hours and 59 minutes
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 2


The purpose of this assignment is to review Chapter 3B vocabulary


Los chícharos -- how you say "guisantes" in Mexico.  

Los ejotes -- how you say "judías verdes" in Mexico.  (By the way, there are LOTS of ways to say "green beans" in Spanish).  

La sopa de arroz -- Spanish rice, which is a Mexican dish so the American name "Spanish rice" doesn't make much sense.  It's called "sopa de arroz" because in many of the traditional recipes, the water isn't completely cooked out, which basically creates a rice soup.

Potatoes:  In some countries, it's "las papas" and in other counties "las patatas."  

Cake:  Different countries have different ways to say "cake."  In Mexico, it's "el pastel."  In Spain, it's "la tarta."  

Pez vs. Pescado -- Fish is "el pez" or "los peces" if let in its natural state.  Once fished out of the water for human purposes, it's "el pescado," which is the word you'll see on a menu in a restaurant.  Note:  A lot of people in Mexico just call everything "pescado" even if it's still swimming around.





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