Course Syllabus



T’es branche – Francais I

Madame Uzelac/ Neshaminy School District


  1. Class Materials


We will be using the new series, T'es Branche?  curriculum for level 1. Students will use the hardcopy text in class and will be learning how to log onto the online version as well.


Workbook: The workbook pages will be copied and handed out to students for each unit./ 3-ring binder, divided into 5 sections / Pencil and/or pen


  1. Course Description;  

In this course, students continue to develop the four basic skills: understanding spoken French, conversing on basic, everyday topics, reading simple texts, and writing with reasonable accuracy.  Conversational fluency is emphasized throughout the course.  The development of these skills also promotes students’ cultural awareness and understanding of the French-speaking world. 



  1. Standards in the Course

Communication-Communicate in French

Cultures-Gain knowledge and understanding of Francophone culture

Connections-Connect with other disciplines and acquire information

Comparisons-Develop insight into the nature of language and culture

Communities-Use the language within and beyond the school community 


  • Grading:


****Grades will be calculated using a “total point” system.


(Formative work - classwork/homework/mini quizzes/lesson orals – student written conversations.

- Purpose is to give targeted feedback.

-  If a student is absent, homework needs to be shown to teacher for full credit.

 Summative work (quizzes/tests/projects/unit orals)

- Purpose is to assess the meeting of course objectives at the end of instruction.


  • How to Study a World Language


Learning a language is not difficult if you approach it wisely. You must be willing to work consistently for a certain period of time each day apart from completing homework. Ten to fifteen minutes a night is recommended. The following tips can help you master the material and with time and use, even acquire the language.


Learn to Listen and Imitate

  • You must be willing to listen for the general idea or "gist" of a message rather than becoming frustrated by not understanding every word. You must also be willing to guess at meanings, try newly acquired knowledge and make mistakes in order to communicate, understand and most of all, learn.


You will learn material faster if you read it and say it. Repeat vocabulary words, verbs and phrases out loud to yourself or with a study partner. You may also find flashcards useful. If you struggle with spelling, try rewriting the word several times until it becomes a habit.

 Divide and Conquer

Divide your material into small units when you are trying to memorize vocabulary. You should also divide your study time into small units of about fifteen to twenty minutes. Do other work and then revisit your language notes. Just before going to bed, mentally review any vocabulary or new information you learned in class that day or the previous day; this will help you retain the information in your mind.



Use your class time well

It is expected that you attend class regularly and participate in all activities. Successful students practice a lot for each class period. When someone else is giving an answer for example, you are listening and mentally thinking of the correct pronunciation, structure, conjugation, etc. When there are five to ten minutes of extra time for practice or study, successful students use it. Make every effort to be a responsible and conscientious student!


  • Bon courage and I'm looking forward to a great year! 




(Madame Uzelac)






T’es branche syllabus – Francais I Madame Uzelac



****Please return by September 6, 2018



Student Signature________________________________________


Parent Signature   _________________________________________








Course Summary:

Date Details Due